IKA Kongsberg is an inter-municipal company, organized by Law of inter-municipal companies. The full name of the company is, Interkommunalt arkiv for Buskerud, Vestfold og Telemark IKS (Inter-municipal archives of Buskerud, Vestfold and Telemark IKS.)
Present and potential owners are municipalities and counties of Buskerud, Vestfold og Telemark.
IKA Kongsberg was established in 1992, with 14 municipal owners, based on an initiative of The Regional State Archive in Kongsberg. The company was then an inter-municipal cooperation authorized by the Local Government Act §27. From 1992 IKA Kongsberg grew with an average of two municipalities each year, the growth escalating from 2001 bringing us to the present number of municipal owners.

13. November 2002 the new inter-municipal company was founded authorized by the Law of Inter-municipal companies.
The company is regulated through a company contract, approved by the Company Board, and a Strategy Document.
IKA Kongsberg has developed ethical guidelines to establish common attitudes on how the company will be operated, so that owners, employees and our users always can rely on the company’s professionalism and integrity.
IKA Kongsberg’s main goal is to create conditions to facilitate the owner’s rational, functional and effective implementation of the intentions and provisions of the Archives Act, as well as to preserve and convey deposited archives that have legal, administrative and cultural value.
Office address:
Frogs vei 48
N-3611 Kongsberg
Telephone: + 47 32 76 40 20
E-mail: postmottak@ikakongsberg.no